Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Another stunner behind Obama's Libya doctrine You won't believe who helped devise policy used by president

By Aaron Klein
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

Hanan Ashrawi
TEL AVIV – A staunch denier of the Holocaust who long served as the deputy of late PLO leader Yasser Arafat served on the committee that invented the military doctrine used by President Obama as the main justification for U.S. and international airstrikes against Libya.
As WND first reported, billionaire philanthropist George Soros is a primary funder and key proponent of the Global Centre for Responsibility to Protect, the world's leading organization pushing the military doctrine. Several of the doctrine's main founders sit on multiple boards with Soros.
The doctrine and its founders, as WND reported, have been deeply tied to Obama aide Samantha Power, who reportedly heavily influenced Obama in consultations leading to the decision to bomb Libya. Power is the National Security Council special adviser to Obama on human rights.
See what it's going to take to stop CAIR and the "Muslim Mafia" from Islamizing America
Now it has emerged that Palestinian legislator Hanan Ashrawi served on the advisory board of the 2001 commission that originally founded Responsibility to Protect.
That commission is called the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty. It invented the term "Responsibility to Protect," while defining its guidelines.
Ashrawi is an infamous defender of Palestinian terrorism. Her father, Daoud Mikhail, was a co-founder of the PLO with Arafat. The PLO was engaged in scores of international terrorist acts and was declared a terrorist group by the U.S. in 1987.
During the First Palestinian Intifada, or war of "resistance" against Israel, in 1988, Ashrawi joined what was known as the Intifada Political Committee, which sought to advance Palestinian goals through both politics and "resistance." She served there until 1993.
In 1991, Arafat appointed Ashrawi to serve as the PLO's Minister of Higher Education and Research. The Palestinian school system is notorious for its glorification of "martyrdom," or suicide bombings, and has long preached against the existence of Israel.

Discover the Networks notes Ashrawi has long defended the Hamas terror group as a legitimate component of the Palestinian "political spectrum."
She has stated she does not "think of Hamas as a terrorist group."
"We coordinate [with Hamas] politically," she said in April 1993, "the people we know and talk to are not terrorists."
In 1998 Ashrawi founded MIFTAH, a nonprofit that seeks to undermine Israel's legitimacy and refers to that Jewish state's 1948 creation as "Al Nakba," or "The Catastrophe."
Ashrawi has long been a Holocaust denier. In the July 2, 1998, edition of the official Palestinian Authority newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadeeda, she published an article calling the Holocaust "a deceitful myth, which the Jews have … exploited to get sympathy."
In 2001 Ashrawi became a spokeswoman for the Arab League.
Notably, Amre Moussa, Secretary General of the Arab League, served as an adviser to the same 2001 commission that invented the "Responsibility to Protect" doctrine.
Ashrawi, meanwhile, was a protégé and later colleague and close friend of late Columbia University Professor Edward Said, another notorious apologist for Palestinian terrorism.
Said was replaced by Rashid Khalidi, a close personal friend to Obama.
Soros funded doctrine
With Ashrawi on the advisory board, the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty first defined the "Responsibility to Protect" doctrine.
In his address to the nation on Monday, Obama specifically cited the military doctrine as the main justification for U.S. and international airstrikes against Libya.
Indeed, the Libya bombings have been widely regarded as a test of "Responsibility to Protect."
"Responsibility to Protect," or "Responsibility to Act" as cited by Obama is a set of principles, now backed by the United Nations, based on the idea that sovereignty is not a privilege but a responsibility that can be revoked if a country is accused of "war crimes," "genocide," "crimes against humanity" or "ethnic cleansing."
The term "war crimes" has at times been indiscriminately used by various U.N.-backed international bodies, including the International Criminal Court, or ICC, which applied it to Israeli anti-terror operations in the Gaza Strip. There has also been fear the ICC could be used to prosecute U.S. troops.
The Global Centre for Responsibility to Protect is the world's leading champion of the military doctrine.
Two of global group's advisory board members, Ramesh Thakur and Gareth Evans, are the original founders of the "Responsibility" doctrine, with the duo even coining the term "Responsibility to Protect."
Soros' Open Society is one of only three nongovernmental funders of the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect. Government sponsors include Australia, Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, Rwanda and the U.K.
Board members of the group include former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, former Ireland President Mary Robinson and South African activist Desmond Tutu. Robinson and Tutu have recently made solidarity visits to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip as members of a group called The Elders, which includes former President Jimmy Carter.
Annan once famously stated, "State sovereignty, in its most basic sense, is being redefined – not least by the forces of globalization and international co-operation. States are ... instruments at the service of their peoples and not vice versa."
Obama cited doctrine multiple times
Aside from his direct citation of the "Responsibility" doctrine in his address explaining why the U.S. is acting against Libya, Obama alluded to the doctrine four more times in his speech.
The following are relevant excerpts from his address, with references to U.S. "responsibility" in bold:
  • In this effort, the United States has not acted alone. Instead, we have been joined by a strong and growing coalition. This includes our closest allies – nations like the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Italy, Spain, Greece and Turkey – all of whom have fought by our side for decades. And it includes Arab partners like Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, who have chosen to meet their responsibility to defend the Libyan people.
  • Last night, NATO decided to take on the additional responsibility of protecting Libyan civilians.
  • To brush aside America's responsibility as a leader and – more profoundly – our responsibilities to our fellow human beings under such circumstances would have been a betrayal of who we are.
  • The task that I assigned our forces – to protect the Libyan people from immediate danger and to establish a No Fly Zone – carries with it a U.N. mandate and international support. So would the costs and our share of the responsibility for what comes next.
Soros: Right to 'penetrate nation-states' borders'
Soros himself outlined the fundamentals of Responsibility to Protect in a 2004 Foreign Policy magazine article entitled "The People's Sovereignty: How a New Twist on an Old Idea Can Protect the World's Most Vulnerable Populations."
In the article, Soros said "true sovereignty belongs to the people, who in turn delegate it to their governments."
"If governments abuse the authority entrusted to them and citizens have no opportunity to correct such abuses, outside interference is justified," Soros wrote. "By specifying that sovereignty is based on the people, the international community can penetrate nation-states' borders to protect the rights of citizens.
"In particular, the principle of the people's sovereignty can help solve two modern challenges: the obstacles to delivering aid effectively to sovereign states and the obstacles to global collective action dealing with states experiencing internal conflict," he concluded.
More Soros ties
Responsibility founders Evans and Thakur served as co-chair, with Gregorian on the advisory board of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty, which invented the term "Responsibility to Protect."
In his capacity as co-chair, Evans also played a pivotal role in initiating the fundamental shift from sovereignty as a right to "sovereignty as responsibility."
Evans presented "Responsibility to Protect" at the July 23, 2009, United Nations General Assembly, which was convened to consider the principle.
Evans sits on multiple boards with Soros, including the Clinton Global Initiative.
Thakur is a fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation, which is in partnership with an economic institute founded by Soros.
Soros is on the executive board of the International Crisis Group, a "crisis management organization" for which Evans serves as president-emeritus.
WND previously reported how the group has been petitioning for the U.S. to normalize ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, the main opposition in Egypt, where longtime U.S. ally Hosni Mubarak was recently toppled.
Aside from Evans and Soros, the group includes on its board Egyptian opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei, as well as other personalities who champion dialogue with Hamas, a violent offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.
WND also reported the crisis group has also petitioned for the Algerian government to cease "excessive" military activities against al-Qaida-linked groups and to allow organizations seeking to create an Islamic state to participate in the Algerian government.
Soros' own Open Society Institute has funded opposition groups across the Middle East and North Africa, including organizations involved in the current chaos.
'One World Order'
WND also reported that doctrine founder Thakur recently advocated for a "global rebalancing" and "international redistribution" to create a "New World Order."
"Toward a new world order," Thakur wrote in a piece last March in the Ottawa Citizen newspaper, "Westerners must change lifestyles and support international redistribution."
He was referring there to a United Nations-brokered international climate treaty in which he argued, "Developing countries must reorient growth in cleaner and greener directions."
In the opinion piece, Thakur then discussed recent military engagements and how the financial crisis has impacted the U.S.
"The West's bullying approach to developing nations won't work anymore – global power is shifting to Asia," he wrote.
"A much-needed global moral rebalancing is in train," he added.
Thakur continued: "Westerners have lost their previous capacity to set standards and rules of behavior for the world. Unless they recognize this reality, there is little prospect of making significant progress in deadlocked international negotiations."
Thakur contended "the demonstration of the limits to U.S. and NATO power in Iraq and Afghanistan has left many less fearful of 'superior' western power."
Power pushes doctrine
Doctrine founder Evans, meanwhile, is closely tied to Obama aide Samantha Power.
Evans and Power have been joint keynote speakers at events in which they have championed the "Responsibility to Protect" principle together, such as the 2008 Global Philanthropy Forum, also attended by Tutu.
Then last November, at the International Symposium on Preventing Genocide and Mass Atrocities, Power, attending as a representative of the White House, argued for the use of "Responsibility to Protect" alongside Evans.
With research by Chris Elliott

Is Obama purging God from America 'by design'? 'There's no way in court that would not be seen as willful, deliberate intent'


By Drew Zahn
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

David Barton
WEST DES MOINES, Iowa – A leading Christian historian told WND he believes President Obama is engaged in a pattern of "willfully, deliberately" repudiating America's Christian heritage.
As WND reported, Obama has been caught numerous times – seven, by WND columnist Chuck Norris' count – omitting the phrase "endowed by their Creator" when quoting the Declaration of Independence and misquoting the national motto "In God We Trust" in official White House communication.
Potential presidential candidate and WND columnist Herman Cain said he believes the omissions are "intentional," and historian David Barton told WND at the Iowa Renewal Project's Pastor's Policy Briefing that he agrees:
Here's the classic book on USA's Christian heritage: New edition of 100-year-old treasure reveals nation's true religious history
"The first time or two I thought, 'Well, he's flustered, he wasn't thinking.' But seven times? There's no way. Especially when he was called on it," Barton said. "Congressmen sent him a letter challenging him on it. There's no way it's matter of ignorance or slip or excuse at that point. I believe it's by design and by intent.
"I gave him the benefit of the doubt a few times, I waited," Barton continued, "but there's no way in a court of law that would not be seen as willful, deliberate intent."
Barton, head of Wallbuilders, an organization dedicated to presenting America's moral, religious and constitutional foundations, said unlike previous presidents – notably Founders like Washington and Adams – who publicly proclaimed God's hand in America, Obama has been going out of his way to not acknowledge the Almighty.
"You remember when he spoke at Georgetown, he had them cover the Christian symbols [behind him on the stage]?" Barton asked. "There's a pattern. When he misstates the national motto, it's not just the Declaration omission of 'their Creator.' When he became president, one of the first things that happened on the White House website was they took off the faith-based office. That kind of reaction is circumstantial, but in a court of law it would convict him."

The Declaration of Independence states: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
But when Obama omits "by their Creator," Barton explained, it reflects a fundamental shift in political thought, away from the Founders' vision of a government protecting God-given rights toward a nation creating government-given rights.
The difference, Barton told WND, is critical:
"Congress says, 'Hey, we gave you a right to health care.' No, no, no. If you gave a right, you can take away a right," Barton said. "That specific clause out of the Declaration, how the Founders did it, if you do not have that philosophy you will never have a limited government. Because limited government is not based on the size of the government or even the amount it spends, it's based on the jurisdiction it gets into. And if you let government start being the determiner of rights, then it can restrict or violate rights, do anything it wants, as we've seen all over Europe."
U.S. Rep. J. Randy Forbes of Virginia, one of 42 bipartisan members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, had expressed a similar sentiment:
"These omissions and inaccuracies are a part of a larger pattern we are seeing with the president where he is inaccurately reflecting America and undercutting important parts of our nation's history," said Forbes. "Trust in God is embedded in the fabric of society and history in the United States.
"If we allow these threads to be pulled, we will begin to unravel the very freedoms that birthed America," he said.
When WND's correspondent at the White House, Les Kinsolving, last year raised the question about Obama's omission of "their Creator" in his speeches, then-Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said, "I haven't seen the comments, Lester, but I can assure you the president believes in the Declaration of Independence."
One of the incidents is on tape, with Obama's omission appearing shortly past the 22-minute mark:

Other speeches, with references to "their Creator" missing, followed.
Other references to America's Christian heritage have been excised at the home of the Liberty Bell, the Supreme Court and even the Washington Monument.
Chaplain Todd DuBord, who works with Chuck Norris' multiple organizations, has documented the ongoing trend at his National Treasures website.

Donald Trump: Obama presidency possibly illegal 'To be honest with you, I want him to have a birth certificate'



By Joe Kovacs
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

Billionaire developer and possible Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is now suggesting Barack Obama's presidency could be "illegal" if legitimate proof is not provided demonstrating the commander in chief is indeed a "natural born citizen" of the U.S.
Trump's use of the "I" word came last night during a phone interview with Greta Van Susteren of the Fox News Channel.

"To be honest with you, I want him to have a birth certificate," Trump said, "because [otherwise] that would mean that his presidency was, I guess you'd have to say, illegal. You have to be born in the United States. I hope that he was born in the United States. I hope – but I want to get rid of the word hope, I want to know for sure – I hope that he was born in the United States and I hope this doesn't become a big issue."

Trump defended so-called "birthers," explaining, "They just want to see the president was born in this country."
He also called into question Hawaii's Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie for suggesting he remembered when Obama was born nearly a half century ago.
"I'll bet he didn't even know the parents 50 years ago," Trump said. "I think it's absolutely insane. What he's doing is taking a bullet for the party by making a statement that, 'I remember.'"
Trump also wondered why no doctors or nurses have come forward to announce their presence at Obama's birth.
"Here's the president of the United States, and no doctor, no nurse, nobody's come forward saying, 'I delivered that beautiful baby.'"

Donald Trump's official birth certificate – for full image, including certifying note from registrar, click here (courtesy ABC News)
Earlier in the day, Trump released an image of his own hospital-generated birth certificate from the Jamaica Hospital in Queens, N.Y., and brought up Obama's spending of large sums of money to keep the history of his early years under wraps. He followed later by releasing his official, vault-copy birth certificate.
"He spent millions of dollars trying to get away from this issue. Millions of dollars in legal fees trying to get away from this issue. I brought it up just routinely. All of a sudden a lot of facts are emerging, and I'm starting to wonder myself whether he was born in this country," Trump said on "Fox & Friends."
"This guy either has a birth certificate or he doesn't," he added. "I didn't think it was such a big deal, but I will tell you it's turning out to be a very big deal. Because people now are calling me from all over saying please don't give up on this issue.

As WND reported just a week ago, not even one person in 10 says Barack Obama has shown that he is eligible to be president, according to a new scientific poll that also reveals political independents have less tolerance than even Republicans for his efforts to obfuscate the issue. Another 32 percent would disregard the questions entirely, concluding they are not valid.
While much of the concern centers on Obama's birth certificate – he's refused to release his original document specifying the birth hospital and doctor's name, substituting instead a computer-generated summary of information purportedly in the Hawaii state archives – there are numerous other documents that remain unavailable.
These are the types of records that typically are available for major political leaders such as someone occupying the Oval Office. They include his kindergarten records, his Punahou school records, his Occidental College records, his Columbia University records, his Columbia thesis, his Harvard Law School records, his Harvard Law Review articles, his scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, his passport, his medical records, his files from his years as an Illinois state senator, his Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records and his adoption records.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Did China's Monster Three Gorges Dam Slow The Rotation Of The Earth..

The Myth: The filling of the reservoir behind Three Gorges Dam in China changed the rotation of the Earth.
The Evidence: Three Gorges Dam, China crosses the Yangtze River in Hubei province, China. It the world’s largest hydroelectric power station by total capacity, which will be 22,500 MW when completed. When the water level is maximum at 175 meters (574 ft) over sea level (91 meters (299 ft) above river level), the reservoir created by the dam is about 660 kilometers (410 mi) in length and 1.12 kilometers (0.70 mi) in width on average. The total surface area of the reservoir is 1045 square kilometers, and it will will flood a total area of 632 square kilometers, of land.  The reservoir will contain about 39.3 cu km (9.43 cubic miles) of water. That water will weigh more than 39 trillion kilograms (42 billion tons).
A shift in a mass of that size would affect the rotation of the Earth due to a phenomena known as the moment of inertia, which is the inertia of a rigid rotating body with respect to its rotation. The moment of inertia of an object about a given axis describes how difficult it is to change its angular motion about that axis. The longer the distance of a mass to its axis of rotation, the slower it will spin. You may not know it, but you see examples of this in everyday life.  For example, a figure skater attempting to spin faster will draw her arms tight to her bodies, and thereby reduce her moment of inertia. Similarly, a diver attempting to somersault faster will bring his body into a tucked position.
Raising 39 trillion kilograms of water 175 meters above sea level will increase the Earth’s moment of inertia and thus slow its rotation. However, the effect would extremely small.  NASA scientists calculated that shift of such as mass would increase the length of day by only 0.06 microseconds and make the Earth only very slightly more round in the middle and flat on the top. It would shift the pole position by about two centimeters (0.8 inch). Note that a shift in any object’s mass on the Earth relative to its axis of rotation will change its moment of inertia, although most shifts are too small to be measured (but they can be calculated).
The Verdict: True.

Here is an absolute sign from God: The Hiroshima 8 Survivors His hand of protection and his affirmation of Fatima

Evidence:"During the Second World War atomic bombs were dropped on two
  Japanese cities: Hiroshima and Nagasaki. An extraordinary thing happened at both sites.
-A unique group of men survived a nuclear blast that killed nearly all other people even at over ten times further from the blast.
      Absolutely unexplainable by scientific means.
-The group was unique, singled out: Catholic clergy living the message of Fatima
-It was reproducible.  It happened twice: Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Both sets of survivors were Catholic religious.
-Most other buildings were leveled to the ground, even at maybe 3 times the distance,  but their house stood (apparently with some windows intact!)
-All other people (except for a handful of scattered sole survivors), even at 3 times the distance from the explosion died instantly.  Those within a radius TEN times the distance at which the Jesuits were exposed died from radiation within days.
-The survivors, a group of Catholic clergy, were examined by scientists over 200 times over the next 30 years with no ill effects found.
 In Hiroshima, a small  community of Jesuit Fathers lived in a church
 house near the parish church, situated only eight blocks from the
 center of the bomb blast.
 When Hiroshima was destroyed by the atomic bomb,
 all eight members of the small Jesuit community escaped unscathed,
  while every other person who was within a radius of roughly one and a
  half kilometers from the center of the explosion died immediately. The
 church house where the Jesuits lived was still standing, while the
 buildings in  every direction from it were leveled. (This coincides with the
bombing  of Nagasaki where St. Maximilian Kolbe had established a
 Franciscan Friary which  was also unharmed and also had no effects from
 The Nagasaki bomb.)
 Testimony of a survivor:
 Father Hubert Shiffer was one of these eight Jesuit survivors. He
 was 30 when the atomic bomb exploded at Hiroshima and lived
  another 33 years in good health. He recounted his experiences at
 Hiroshima during the Eucharistic  Congress held in Philadelphia (USA)
 in 1976. At that time, all eight members  of the Jesuit community were
 still alive.
 Fr. Shiffer, on the morning of August 6, 1945, he had just
 finished  Mass, went into the rectory and sat down at the breakfast
 table, and had  just sliced a grapefruit, and had just put his spoon
 into the grapefruit  when there was a bright flash of light. His first
thought was that it was an explosion in the harbor (this was a major
 port where the Japanese refueled their submarines.)
 Then, in the words of Fr. Schiffer: "Suddenly, a terrific explosion
 filled the air with one bursting thunderstroke. An invisible force
 lifted me from the chair, hurled me through the air, shook me,
 battered me, whirled me 'round and  round like a leaf in a gust of
 autumn wind." The next thing he remembered, he opened his eyes and he
  was laying on the ground. He looked around and there was NOTHING
  in any direction: the railroad station and buildings in all directions
 were leveled to the ground.
 The only physical harm to himself was that he could feel a few
  pieces of glass in the back of his neck. As far as he could tell,
 there was nothing else physically wrong with himself.  After the
conquest of the Americans, their
 army doctors and scientists explained to him that his body
 would begin to deteriorate because of the radiation. To the doctors
 amazement, Fr. Schiffer's body contained no radiation or ill-effects
 from the bomb.
  Conclusion: There are no physical laws to explain why the
 Jesuits were untouched in the Hiroshima airblast. There is no other
 actual or test data where a structure such as this was not totally
 destroyed at this standoff distance by an atomic weapon. All who were
 at this range from the epicenter should have received enough radiation
 to be dead within at most a matter of minutes if nothing else happened
 to them. There is no known way to design a uranium-235 atomic bomb,
 which could leave such a large discrete area intact while destroying
 everything around it immediately outside the fireball (by shaping the
 Not only did they all survive with (at most) relatively
 minor injuries, but they all lived well past that awful day
 with no radiation sickness, no loss of hearing, or any other visible
 long term defects or maladies. Naturally, they were interviewed
 numerous  times (Fr. Schiffer said over 200 times) by scientists and
 health care people about their remarkable experience.  The eight
 Jesuits  say "we believe that we survived because we were living the
 message of Fatima.  We lived and prayed the rosary daily in that home."
 Fr. Shiffer feels that he received a protective shield from the Blessed
 Mother which protected him from all radiation and ill-effects.
 Fr.  Schiffer attributes this to devotion to the Blessed Mother, and his
 daily Fatima Rosary; "in that house the Holy Rosary was recited
together every day."
 Of course the secular  scientists are speechless and incredulous
 at  this explanation - and they are sure there is some "real"
 explanation  - but at the same time over 50 years later the scientists
 are still absolutely bamboozled when it comes to finding a plausible
 scenario to explain the missionary's unique escape from the hellish
 power of that bomb. From a scientific viewpoint, what happened to those
 Jesuits at  Hiroshima still defies all human logic from the laws of
 physics as understood today (or at any time in the future). It must be
 concluded that  some other (external) force was present whose power
 and/or capability to transform energy and matter as it relates to
 humans is beyond  current comprehension; a plausibility argument for
 the existence of a Creator who left his "calling card" at Hiroshima.

Jesuit Priests Survive Atomic Bomb
Speaking on American TV, the German Jesuit Father Hubert Shiffner gave the startling answer:
 "In that house, the Rosary was prayed every day. In that house we
  were living the Message of Fatima," he said.
 How does one live the Fatima message?
 1. People must first CONVERT: turn away from sin and go back to God.
 This entails the usual demands of the Christian life like prayer,
reading Scripture, obedience to the commandments, concern for others.
 Beyond it there are special requests from the Blessed Virgin:
 2. DAILY OFFERING. "Offer up each day whatever God requests of
 you... for the conversion of sinners and reparation for sin."
 3. REPARATION. "Pray, fast, and make sacrifices for your sins and for
  the sins of all sinners and unbelievers."
 4. EUCHARIST. Frequent prayer, adoration and reparation before Jesus
  in the Blessed Sacrament.
 5. FIVE FIRST SATURDAYS. "Confess, offer Mass, receive Holy
 Communion on the First Saturday of five consecutive months... with the
  intention of making reparation to me..."
 6. ROSARY. "Each day recite the prayers of the rosary, five decades
 at least -- meditating on the mysteries -- to make reparation for
7. CONSECRATION. Consecrate yourself to the Sacred heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This means entrusting yourself to
 their care and protection. Wear the brown scapular as a sign.

What follows is Dr. Stephen Rinehart's commentary on the
 subject of the Hiroshima atomic bomb blast.  Within the U.S.
 Department of Defense Stephen Rinehart is widely recognized as
 international expert in this field.

 Rinehart's Testimony: A quick calculation says at 1 kilometer the bulk
 temperature was in excess of 20,000 to 30,000 degrees F
 (transients in microseconds greater than 100,000F perhaps as high as
1,000,000 F  within 1 kilometer - depends on construction details and
 you are inside the fireball) and the blast wave would have hit at sonic
 velocity with pressures on building (at one kilometer) greater than 600
 psi. If the Jesuits (at one kilometer from the geometric epicenter)
 were  outside the atomic bomb's "plasma" their residence should
  still have been utterly destroyed (temp > 2000 F and airblast
 pressures > 100 psi).
 Unreinforced masonry or brick walls (representative of
 commercial construction) are destroyed at 3 psi, which will
 also cause ear damage and burst windows. At ten psi, a human will
  experience severe lung and heart damage, burst eardrums and at 20 psi
  your limbs can be blown off. Your head will be blown off by 40 psi
 and no human would be alive because your skull would be crushed.
 All the cotton clothes would be on fire at 350 F and
your lungs would be inoperative within a minute breathing air (even for
 a few seconds) at these temperatures. No way any human could have
  survived nor should anything have left been standing at one kilometer.  At ten times the distance, about ten to
 fifteen kilometers I saw the brick walls standing from an
 elementary school school and I think there were a few badly burned
 survivors; all died within fifteen years of some form of cancer).
(Examining pictures taken from a panoramic view from epicenter of the
 blast at Shima Hospital looking for the Jesuit’s house) did show some kind of two story house totally
 intact (at least from what I could make out and it looked to me the windows were in place!?). Also
there was a church with walls still standing but roof gone a few hundred yards away!?
 The Department of Defense never commented officially on this
and I suspect it was classified and never discussed in open literature.
 I think it is possible the Jesuits were asked not to say anything either at the time.
Biblical Precedent:
Dan 3:19  Then Nebuchadnez'zar was full of fury, and the expression of his face was changed against Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed'nego. He ordered the furnace heated seven times more than it was wont to be heated.
Dan 3:20  And he ordered certain mighty men of his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed'nego, and to cast them into the burning fiery furnace.
Dan 3:21  Then these men were bound in their mantles, their tunics, their hats, and their other garments, and they were cast into the burning fiery furnace.
Dan 3:22  Because the king's order was strict and the furnace very hot, the flame of the fire slew those men who took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed'nego.
Dan 3:23  And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed'nego, fell bound into the burning fiery furnace.
(3:24) And they walked about in the midst of the flames, singing hymns to God and blessing the Lord.

Rush: 'I wish Rubio would run for president' Republican's rejection of short-term budget extensions wins ringing 'endorsement' Read more: Rush: 'I wish Rubio would run for president'


By Drew Zahn
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.
Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio's fiery comments on short-term federal budget extensions have earned him an influential supporter, should he consider a presidential run: talk radio giant Rush Limbaugh.
"Marco Rubio says, 'What is this continuing resolution crap? I didn't come in here to fund the government every two to three weeks,'" Limbaugh paraphrased on his program today. "I wish the guy would run for president."
Shock the Washington establishment by participating in the "No More Red Ink" campaign and shut down all new plans for bailouts, "stimulus" spending and even the funding for Obamacare.
Limbaugh's impassioned, though informal, endorsement can be heard below:

Limbaugh was praising Rubio for announcing he would "no longer support short-term budget plans" that float federal spending while Congress continues to debate a fuller budget that – whether counting Republican or Democrat proposals – still includes hundreds of billions in deficit spending, something Rubio called "an absurd pattern that has clearly developed in Washington."
In a Red State editorial, Rubio declared, "All this has led to a very predictable outcome: Washington politicians of both parties scrambling to put together two- and three-week plans to keep funding the government, while not fundamentally changing the behavior that has gotten us into this mess to begin with."
He continued his blasts against the short-term congressional resolutions to extend spending, or CRs, as they're commonly called: "Running our government on the fumes of borrowed spending is unacceptable, short-sighted and dangerous. I commend the efforts of House and Senate Republican leaders to deal with this, but I did not come to the U.S. Senate to be part of some absurd political theatre."
Rubio joins a list of senators, including Rand Paul, R-Ky., Jim DeMint, R-S.C., and Mike Lee, R-Utah, who Fox News reports have also vocalized opposition to the stopgap budget measures.
In the House, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., told reporters yesterday that House Republicans "hope and intend" for this week's vote on a three-week budget to be the final such extension.
Last week, Rep. Allen West, R-Fla., went further, pledging the same stance Rubio took yesterday: No more CRs.
"I will NOT be voting for another short-term CR," he tweeted, according to a Politico report. "There is a confrontation coming on this budget, and the sooner we get to it the better."

Your taxes are now funding the Nation of Islam campuses

By Aaron Klein
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

A Chicago charter school that recently received a grant of federal funds was founded and is led by activists who have been closely tied to the Nation of Islam while its campuses are named after former Nation of Islam activists and black radicals, WND has learned.
The federal government allocated $47,766 of funds from the Recovery Act for a food program for the Betty Shabazz International Charter Academy. This includes the 2010-2011 school year in which the funds were distributed to the USDA's Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program for the school.
Shabazz, which has classes for children in kindergarten through 12th grade, is one of about 40 schools in Illinois to be awarded the "recovery" funds as part of the food program, according to the Illinois State Board of Education.
Get the inside story from those who make the plans, in "Schmoozing with Terrorists: From Hollywood to the Holy Land Jihadists Reveal their Global Plans – to a Jew!"
Shabazz Charter School's official profile says the academy "incorporates culture from countries throughout the continent of Africa and throughout the Diaspora into our rigorous and competitive curriculum."
Laini Madhubuti, the charter school's public relations manager, told WND in a phone interview the school has no religious affiliation whatsoever. Madhubuti is also the daughter of the school's founder and leader, who has been close to the Nation of Islam. She said the school is not connected to the Nation of Islam.
Named after radicals
The school is named after Betty Shabazz, an early Nation of Islam activist best known as the wife of slain black nationalist leader Malcolm X. Shabazz, born Betty Dean Sanders, met her future husband in 1956 at a Nation of Islam lecture in Harlem, later converting to Islam.
Malcolm X departed from the Nation of Islam leadership before his assassination to organize a politically oriented "black nationalist party.” Some reports noted Shabazz herself returned to the orbit of the Nation of Islam after her husband's death.

Shabazz originally harbored resentment toward the Nation, but she agreed to a so-called "peace deal" with Louis Farrakhan in 1995. That truce was brokered by Haki Madhubuti, one of the founders of the charter school.
One of three campuses of the Betty Shabazz International Charter Academy is named after Barbara A. Sizemore, who was the first African-American woman to head a major school system when she was chosen as superintendent of D.C. schools in 1973. Sizemore died at the age of 77 in 2004.
A Washington Post obituary noted Sizemore called standardized tests "the new lynching tool" for the aspirations of African-Americans.
She wrote in 1989 that "it seems the best way to eliminate tests is to help minorities to pass them." She added, "Tests can then become the diagnostic tools they were meant to be instead of the mechanism for separating winners and losers."
Sizemore clearly was a black nationalist activist.
Marxist professor Manning Marable wrote in the 1981 SWP Education For Socialists Bulletin that Sizemore rejected a compromise resolution that aimed to temper a new political party being formed at the time by the National Black Political Assembly. The compromise sought to build a broad base coalition within 90 days of an August 1980 planning meeting.
Wrote Marable: "A dramatic turn of events occurred several hours later with the Friday evening plenary address of Dr. Barbara Sizemore. Sizemore publicly repudiated the compromise in a fiery speech. 'The revolution is now, and not in 90 days,' she declared firmly."
Founded by Nation of Islam supporters
The charter school was co-founded by Carol D. Lee and her husband, Don L. Lee, who changed his name to Haki Madhubuti. It was also founded by Anthony Daniels-Halisi, who currently serves as the school's chief financial officer.
Madhubuti, a black nationalist poet, has helped broker deals for Farrakhan, including the peace with Shabazz, sealed publicly at the Apollo Theater in Harlem, New York.
"It (the peace deal) was broadcast to a closed-circuit audience around the world," wrote Jonathan Tilove of the Newhouse News Service.
Madhubuti hosted a meeting at his Third World Press, an African American-centered nationalist press, for the planning of Farrakhan's 1995 Million Man March.
In the interview with WND, Madhubuti's daughter did not deny her father's known history with the Nation of Islam. However, she stressed he has never been a member of Farrakhan's controversial group.
Some of the staff have been connected to the Nation of Islam, as well. Elaine Mosely, the school's president, was quoted in Farrakhan's Roll Call magazine saying of Black History Month, "We have a responsibility to honor the original idea, our contributions to civilization."
That same article pointed out that Black History Month neglects certain parts of black's "historical" record, which it said is a "body of knowledge that was feared by Whites" and that "challenged White supremacy."
Among the "history" left out, according to Farrakhan's magazine, was that "Black man and woman are the Original people of the earth and that all races have their origin through the Black Man and Woman."
The school's chief operating officer, Anthony Taifa Daniels-Halisi, said in 2002 he grew up in the Organization Us movement led by black nationalist and former convict Maulana Karenga, who is now professor and chair of the Department of Black Studies at California State University.
During the 60s, Us became a target of the FBI and was put on a series of lists describing it as dangerous, revolutionary and committed to armed struggle in the Black Power Movement. Us, a rival to the Black Panther Party, developed a youth component with para-military aspects called the Simba Wachanga, which advocated and practiced community self-defense and service to the masses.
Arms in fist; 'Liberation' ceremony
The Shabazz school has taken on a militant tone.
"In starting schools for Black children, the Madhubutis continue to follow a mandate of Malcolm X, who warned against allowing the oppressors of Black people to teach Black children," wrote Regina Jennings in the November 2002 Journal of Black Studies.
The Shabazz charter school was originally founded by Madhubuti in 1972, at the height of the black power movement, as the New Concept School.
Under state law, an existing private school cannot become a charter school. So the New Concept was morphed in 1998 into a preschool program with the charter school re-emerging as the Betty Shabazz International Academy.
Madhubuti's New Concept school was openly revolutionary.
Every morning the students would recite a pledge that begins, "We are African people…Struggling for national liberation."
"Our commitment is to self-determination, self-defense, and self-respect for our race," the chant continues. "I pledge to my African nation, to the building of a better people and a better world."
The Chicago Reader reported in 1997 that New Concept aimed to teach black children a narrative populated by African and African-American heroes and embellished with African rituals, fables, and values.
"Critics decry African-centered schools as exotic institutions turning out tomorrow's angry revolutionaries," reported the Chicago Reader.
The Shabazz charter school has similar rituals to its precursor, New Concept.
Chicago's local ABC affiliate reported students start each day "with African drumming and self-affirming chants."
The author of the "Quality in Education" blog recounted attending a June 2010 ceremony at which Shabazz students seemed to raise their fists in a display of black power that is strikingly reminiscent of New Concept's display.
"Inside the cafeteria there was an inner single and outer circle was a combination of students and staff. There were drums that had an African culture to it. They were wearing African type clothing and the beat they were playing was recognizable as African culture as well. There was a series of clapping and singing that I could not recognize because it was in African language," reported the blog's author.
"During the ceremony they brought in an African flag and with one fist risen in the air they, in unison, said their pledge to their future. I did not get the pledge words exact, but it spoke of liberation and being risen (power).
"Also during the ceremony there actions that all the students did to stand at attention when it was called. They stood at attention by clutching your right hand in a fist and then crossing arms and tucking the fist under the arm and the other hand grasping your right arm. They even had a relaxed state, where their fist would be held by their hand in front."
Laini Madhubuti claimed to WND that the Shabazz school pledge states that the students will do their best that day to learn and be helpful when they go home.

Dare to dream.. Enter the world of Nikola Tesla.. " They will only let you change the world once in a life time"

I dare you to watch this video.. You may not be leave what you see .. Death Rays, Wireless power plants, Limitless free energy.. X- rays , The Internet , Alternating Current...

How do you not know his name?  Why do the schools not teach his findings,and inventions.

His only crime was being born 200 years ahead of his time.


Where is the next Nikola Tesla going to come from.. Who will dare to change the world ..Where are the big Ideas going to come from??

A Tesla coil is a type of resonant transformer circuit invented by Nikola Tesla around 1891.[1] It is used to produce high voltage, relatively high current, and high frequency alternating current electricity. Tesla experimented with a number of different configurations and they consist of two, or sometimes three, coupled resonant electric circuits. Tesla used these coils to conduct innovative experiments in electrical lighting, phosphorescence, x-ray generation, high frequency alternating current phenomena, electrotherapy, and the transmission of electrical energy without wires.
The early Tesla coil transformer design employs a medium- to high-voltage power source, one or more high voltage capacitor(s), and a spark gap to excite a multiple-layer primary inductor with periodic bursts of high frequency current. The multiple-layer Tesla coil transformer secondary is excited by resonant inductive coupling, the primary and secondary circuits both being tuned so they resonate at the same frequency (typically, between 25 kHz and 2 MHz). The later and higher-power coil design has a single-layer primary and secondary. These Tesla coils are often used by hobbyists and at venues such as science museums to produce long sparks.
Tesla coil circuits were used commercially in sparkgap radio transmitters for wireless telegraphy until the 1920s,[1][2][3] and in electrotherapy and pseudomedical devices such as violet ray (although Tesla circuits were not the first or the only ones used in spark transmitters). Today their main use is entertainment and educational displays. Tesla coils are built by many high-voltage enthusiasts, research institutions, science museums and independent experimenters. Although electronic circuit controllers have been developed, Tesla's original spark gap design is less expensive and has proven extremely reliable.

The "American Electrician"[4] gives a description of an early Tesla coil wherein a glass battery jar, 15 x 20 cm (6 x 8 in) is wound with 60 to 80 turns of AWG No. 18 B & S magnet wire (0.823 mm²). Into this is slipped a primary consisting of eight to ten turns of AWG No. 6 B & S wire (13.3 mm²) and the whole combination immersed in a vessel containing linseed or mineral oil. (Norrie, pg. 34-35)

[edit] Tesla Coil Theory

A Tesla coil transformer operates in a significantly different fashion than a conventional (i.e., iron core) transformer. In a conventional transformer, the windings are very tightly coupled, and voltage gain is limited to the ratio of the numbers of turns in the windings.
However, unlike a conventional transformer, which may couple 97%+ of the magnetic fields between windings, a Tesla coil's windings are "loosely" coupled, with the primary and secondary typically sharing only 10–20% of their respective magnetic fields and instead the coil transfers energy (via loose coupling) from one oscillating resonant circuit (the primary) to the other (the secondary) over a number of RF cycles.
As the primary energy transfers to the secondary, the secondary's output voltage increases until all of the available primary energy has been transferred to the secondary (less losses). Even with significant spark gap losses, a well designed Tesla coil can transfer over 85% of the energy initially stored in the primary capacitor to the secondary circuit. Thus the voltage gain of a Tesla coil can be significantly greater than a conventional transformer, since it is instead proportional to the square root of the ratio of secondary and primary inductances.
In addition, because of the large gap between the primary and secondary that loose coupling makes possible, the insulation between the two is far less likely to break down, and this permits coils to run extremely high voltages without damage.

Modern high voltage enthusiasts usually build Tesla coils that are similar to some of Tesla's "later" air core designs. These typically consist of a primary tank circuit, a series LC (inductance-capacitance) circuit composed of a high voltage capacitor, spark gap and primary coil, and the secondary LC circuit, a series resonant circuit consisting of the secondary coil plus a terminal capacitance or "top load." In Tesla's more advanced design, the secondary LC circuit is composed of an air-core transformer secondary coil placed in series with a helical resonator. The helical coil is then connected to the terminal capacitance. Most modern coils use only a single helical coil comprising both the secondary and primary resonator. The terminal capacitance actually forms one 'plate' of a capacitor, the other 'plate' being the Earth (or "ground"). The primary LC circuit is tuned so that it resonates at the same frequency as the secondary LC circuit. The primary and secondary coils are magnetically coupled, creating a dual-tuned resonant air-core transformer. Earlier oil insulated Tesla coils needed large and long insulators at their high-voltage terminals to prevent discharge in air. Later version Tesla coils spread their electric fields over large distances to prevent high electrical stresses in the first place, thereby allowing operation in free air.
Tesla's 1902 design for his advanced magnifying transmitter used a top terminal consisting of a metal frame in the shape of a toroid, covered with hemispherical plates (constituting a very large conducting surface). The top terminal has relatively small capacitance, charged to as high a voltage as practicable.[5] The outer surface of the elevated conductor is where the electrical charge chiefly accumulates. It has a large radius of curvature, or is composed of separate elements which, irrespective of their own radii of curvature, are arranged close to each other so that the outside ideal surface enveloping them has a large radius.[6] This design allowed the terminal to support very high voltages without generating corona or sparks. Tesla, during his patent application process, described a variety of resonator terminals at the top of this later coil.[7] Most Modern Tesla coils use simple toroids, typically fabricated from spun metal or flexible aluminum ducting, to control the high electrical field near the top of the secondary and to direct spark outward and away from the primary and secondary windings.
As pointed out above, more advanced Tesla coil transmitters involve a more tightly coupled air core resonance transformer network or "master oscillator" the output of which is then fed another resonator, sometimes called the "extra coil." The principle is that energy accumulates in the extra coil and the role of transformer secondary is played by the separate master oscillator secondary; the roles are not shared by a single secondary. In some modern three-coil Magnifying transmitter systems the extra coil is placed some distance from the transformer. Direct magnetic coupling to the upper secondary is not desirable, since the third coil is designed to be driven by injecting RF current directly into the bottom end.
This particular Tesla coil configuration consists of a secondary coil in close inductive relation with a primary, and one end of which is connected to a ground-plate, while its other end is led through a separate self-induction coil (whose connection should always be made at, or near, the geometrical center of that coil's circular aspect, in order to secure a symmetrical distribution of the current), and of a metallic cylinder carrying the current to the terminal. The primary coil may be excited by any desired source of high frequency current. The important requirement is that the primary and secondary sides must be tuned to the same resonant frequency to allow efficient transfer of energy between the primary and secondary resonant circuits. The conductor of the shaft to the terminal (topload) is in the form of a cylinder with smooth surface of a radius much larger than that of the spherical metal plates, and widens out at the bottom into a hood (which is slotted to avoid loss by eddy currents). The secondary coil is wound on a drum of insulating material, with its turns close together. When the effect of the small radius of curvature of the wire itself is overcome, the lower secondary coil behaves as a conductor of large radius of curvature, corresponding to that of the drum.

The top of the extra coil may be extended up to the terminal U.S. Patent 1,119,732 and the bottom should be somewhat below the uppermost turn of the primary coil. This lessens the tendency of the charge to break out from the wire connecting both and to pass along the support.

Modern day transistor or vacuum tube Tesla coils do not use a primary spark gap. Instead, the transistor(s) or vacuum tube(s) provide the switching or amplifying function necessary to generate RF power for the primary circuit. Solid-state Tesla coils use the lowest primary operating voltage, typically between 155 to 800 volts, and drive the primary winding using either a single, half-bridge, or full-bridge arrangement of bipolar transistors, MOSFETs or IGBTs to switch the primary current. Vacuum tube coils typically operate with plate voltages between 1500 and 6000 volts, while most spark gap coils operate with primary voltages of 6,000 to 25,000 volts. The primary winding of a traditional transistor Tesla coil is wound around only the bottom portion of the secondary (sometimes called the resonator). This helps to illustrate operation of the secondary as a pumped resonator. The primary induces alternating voltage into the bottommost portion of the secondary, providing regular "pushes" (similar to provided properly timed pushes to a playground swing). Additional energy is transferred from the primary to the secondary inductance and topload capacitance during each "push", and secondary output voltage builds (called ring-up). An electronic feedback circuit is usually used to adaptively synchronize the primary oscillator to the growing resonance in the secondary, and this is the only tuning consideration beyond the initial choice of a reasonable topload.
In a dual resonant solid-state Tesla coil (DRSSTC), the electronic switching of the solid-state Tesla coil is combined with the resonant primary circuit of a spark-gap Tesla coil. The resonant primary circuit is formed by connecting a capacitor in series with the primary winding of the coil, so that the combination forms a series tank circuit with a resonant frequency near that of the secondary circuit. Because of the additional resonant circuit, one manual and one adaptive tuning adjustment are necessary. Also, an interrupter is usually used to reduce the duty cycle of the switching bridge, in order to improve peak power capabilities; similarly, IGBTs are more popular in this application than bipolar transistors or MOSFETs, due to their superior power handling characteristics. Performance of a DRSSTC can be comparable to a medium power spark gap Tesla coil, and efficiency (as measured by spark length versus input power) can be significantly greater than a spark gap Tesla coil operating at the same input power.

A large Tesla coil of more modern design often operates at very high peak power levels, up to many megawatts (millions of watts[8]). It should therefore be adjusted and operated carefully, not only for efficiency and economy, but also for safety. If, due to improper tuning, the maximum voltage point occurs below the terminal, along the secondary coil, a discharge (spark) may break out and damage or destroy the coil wire, supports, or nearby objects.
Tesla experimented with these, and many other, circuit configurations (see right). The Tesla coil primary winding, spark gap and tank capacitor are connected in series. In each circuit, the AC supply transformer charges the tank capacitor until its voltage is sufficient to break down the spark gap. The gap suddenly fires, allowing the charged tank capacitor to discharge into the primary winding. Once the gap fires, the electrical behavior of either circuit is identical. Experiments have shown that neither circuit offers any marked performance advantage over the other.
However, in the typical circuit (above), the spark gap's short circuiting action prevents high frequency oscillations from 'backing up' into the supply transformer. In the alternate circuit, high amplitude high frequency oscillations that appear across the capacitor also are applied to the supply transformer's winding. This can induce corona discharges between turns that weaken and eventually destroy the transformer's insulation. Experienced Tesla coil builders almost exclusively use the top circuit, often augmenting it with low pass filters (resistor and capacitor (RC) networks) between the supply transformer and spark gap to help protect the supply transformer. This is especially important when using transformers with fragile high voltage windings, such as Neon-sign transformers (NSTs). Regardless of which configuration is used, the HV transformer must be of a type that self-limits its secondary current by means of internal leakage inductance. A normal (low leakage inductance) high voltage transformer must use an external limiter (sometimes called a ballast) to limit current. NSTs are designed to have high leakage inductance to limit their short circuit current to a safe level.

[edit] Tuning precautions

The primary coil's resonant frequency should be tuned to that of the secondary, using low-power oscillations, then increasing the power until the apparatus has been brought under control. While tuning, a small projection (called a "breakout bump") is often added to the top terminal in order to stimulate corona and spark discharges (sometimes called streamers) into the surrounding air. Tuning can then be adjusted so as to achieve the longest streamers at a given power level, corresponding to a frequency match between the primary and secondary coil. Capacitive 'loading' by the streamers tends to lower the resonant frequency of a Tesla coil operating under full power. For a variety of technical reasons, toroids provide one of the most effective shapes for the top terminals of Tesla coils

While generating discharges, electrical energy from the secondary and toroid is transferred to the surrounding air as electrical charge, heat, light, and sound. The electric currents that flow through these discharges are actually due to the rapid shifting of quantities of charge from one place (the top terminal) to other places (nearby regions of air). The process is similar to charging or discharging a capacitor. The current that arises from shifting charges within a capacitor is called a displacement current. Tesla coil discharges are formed as a result of displacement currents as pulses of electrical charge are rapidly transferred between the high voltage toroid and nearby regions within the air (called space charge regions). Although the space charge regions around the toroid are invisible, they play a profound role in the appearance and location of Tesla coil discharges.
When the spark gap fires, the charged capacitor discharges into the primary winding, causing the primary circuit to oscillate. The oscillating primary current creates a magnetic field that couples to the secondary winding, transferring energy into the secondary side of the transformer and causing it to oscillate with the toroid capacitance. The energy transfer occurs over a number of cycles, and most of the energy that was originally in the primary side is transferred into the secondary side. The greater the magnetic coupling between windings, the shorter the time required to complete the energy transfer. As energy builds within the oscillating secondary circuit, the amplitude of the toroid's RF voltage rapidly increases, and the air surrounding the toroid begins to undergo dielectric breakdown, forming a corona discharge.
As the secondary coil's energy (and output voltage) continue to increase, larger pulses of displacement current further ionize and heat the air at the point of initial breakdown. This forms a very conductive "root" of hotter plasma, called a leader, that projects outward from the toroid. The plasma within the leader is considerably hotter than a corona discharge, and is considerably more conductive. In fact, it has properties that are similar to an electric arc. The leader tapers and branches into thousands of thinner, cooler, hairlike discharges (called streamers). The streamers look like a bluish 'haze' at the ends of the more luminous leaders, and it is the streamers that actually transfer charge between the leaders and toroid to nearby space charge regions. The displacement currents from countless streamers all feed into the leader, helping to keep it hot and electrically conductive.
The primary break rate of sparking Tesla coils is slow compared to the resonant frequency of the resonator-topload assembly. When the switch closes, energy is transferred from the primary LC circuit to the resonator where the voltage rings up over a short period of time up culminating in the electrical discharge. In a spark gap Tesla coil the primary-to-secondary energy transfer process happens repetitively at typical pulsing rates of 50–500 times per second, and previously formed leader channels don't get a chance to fully cool down between pulses. So, on successive pulses, newer discharges can build upon the hot pathways left by their predecessors. This causes incremental growth of the leader from one pulse to the next, lengthening the entire discharge on each successive pulse. Repetitive pulsing causes the discharges to grow until the average energy that's available from the Tesla coil during each pulse balances the average energy being lost in the discharges (mostly as heat). At this point, dynamic equilibrium is reached, and the discharges have reached their maximum length for the Tesla coil's output power level. The unique combination of a rising high voltage Radio Frequency envelope and repetitive pulsing seem to be ideally suited to creating long, branching discharges that are considerably longer than would be otherwise expected by output voltage considerations alone. High voltage discharges create filamentary multi-branched discharges which are purplish blue in colour. High energy discharges create thicker discharges with fewer branches, are pale and luminous, almost white, and are much longer than low energy discharges, because of increased ionisation. There will be a strong smell of ozone and nitrogen oxides in the area. The important factors for maximum discharge length appear to be voltage, energy, and still air of low to moderate humidity. However, even more than 100 years later after the first use of Tesla coils, there are many aspects of Tesla coil discharges and the energy transfer process that are still not completely understood.[citation needed]

[edit] Wireless transmission and reception

The Tesla coil can also be used for wireless transmission. In addition to the positioning of the elevated terminal well above the top turn of the helical resonator, another difference from the sparking Tesla coil is the primary break rate. The optimized Tesla coil transmitter is a continuous wave oscillator with a break rate equaling the operating frequency. The combination of a helical resonator with an elevated terminal is also used for wireless reception.[9][10][11][12][13][14] The Tesla coil receiver is intended for receiving the non-radiating electromagnetic field energy produced by the Tesla coil transmitter. The Tesla coil receiver is also adaptable for exploiting the ubiquitous vertical voltage gradient in the Earth's atmosphere. Tesla built and used various devices for detecting electromagnetic field energy. His early wireless apparatus operated on the basis of Hertzian waves or ordinary radio waves, electromagnetic waves that propagate in space without involvement of a conducting guiding surface.[15] During his work at Colorado Springs, Tesla believed he had established electrical resonance of the entire Earth using the Tesla coil transmitter at his "Experimental Station."[16]
Tesla stated one of the requirements of the World Wireless System was the construction of resonant receivers.[17] The related concepts and methods are part of his wireless transmission system (US1119732 — Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy — 1902 January 18). Tesla made a proposal that there needed to be many more than thirty transmission-reception stations worldwide.[18] In one form of receiving circuit the two input terminals are connected each to a mechanical pulse-width modulation device adapted to reverse polarity at predetermined intervals of time and charge a capacitor.[19] This form of Tesla system receiver has means for commutating the current impulses in the charging circuit so as to render them suitable for charging the storage device, a device for closing the receiving-circuit, and means for causing the receiver to be operated by the energy accumulated.[20]

Tesla coil in one experiment of many conducted in Colorado Springs. This is a grounded tuned coil in resonance with a nearby transmitter; Light is glowing near the bottom.
A Tesla coil used as a receiver is referred to as a Tesla receiving transformer.[21][22][23][24] The Tesla coil receiver acts as a step-down transformer with high current output.[25] The parameters of a Tesla coil transmitter are identically applicable to it being a receiver (e.g.., an antenna circuit), due to reciprocity. Impedance, generally though, is not applied in an obvious way; for electrical impedance, the impedance at the load (e.g.., where the power is consumed) is most critical and, for a Tesla coil receiver, this is at the point of utilization (such as at an induction motor) rather than at the receiving node. Complex impedance of an antenna is related to the electrical length of the antenna at the wavelength in use. Commonly, impedance is adjusted at the load with a tuner or a matching networks composed of inductors and capacitors.
A Tesla coil can receive electromagnetic impulses[26] from atmospheric electricity[27][28][29] and radiant energy,[12][30] besides normal wireless transmissions. Radiant energy throws off with great velocity minute particles which are strongly electrified and other rays falling on the insulated-conductor connected to a condenser (i.e., a capacitor) can cause the condenser to indefinitely charge electrically.[31] The helical resonator can be "shock excited" due to radiant energy disturbances not only at the fundamental wave at one-quarter wave-length but also is excited at its harmonics. Hertzian methods can be used to excite the Tesla coil receiver with limitations that result in great disadvantages for utilization, though.[32] The methods of ground conduction and the various induction methods can also be used to excite the Tesla coil receiver, but are again at a disadvantages for utilization.[33] The charging-circuit can be adapted to be energized by the action of various other disturbances and effects at a distance. Arbitrary and intermittent oscillations that are propagated via conduction to the receiving resonator will charge the receiver's capacitor and utilize the potential energy to greater effect.[34] Various radiations can be used to charge and discharge conductors, with the radiations considered electromagnetic vibrations of various wavelengths and ionizing potential.[31] The Tesla receiver utilizes the effects or disturbances to charge a storage device with energy from an external source (natural or man-made) and controls the charging of said device by the actions of the effects or disturbances (during succeeding intervals of time determined by means of such effects and disturbances corresponding in succession and duration of the effects and disturbances).[35] The stored energy can also be used to operate the receiving device. The accumulated energy can, for example, operate a transformer by discharging through a primary circuit at predetermined times which, from the secondary currents, operate the receiving device.[35]
While Tesla coils can be used for these purposes, much of the public and media attention is directed away from transmission-reception applications of the Tesla coil since electrical spark discharges are fascinating to many people. Regardless of this fact, Tesla did suggest that this variation of the Tesla coil could utilize the phantom loop effect to form a circuit to induct energy from the Earth's magnetic field and other radiant energy sources (including, but not limited to, electrostatics[36]). With regard to Tesla's statements on the harnessing of natural phenomena to obtain electric power, he stated:
Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point of the universe. — "Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency" (February 1892)
Tesla stated that the output power from these devices, attained from Hertzian methods of charging, was low,[37] but alternative charging means are available. Tesla receivers, operated correctly, act as a step-down transformer with high current output.[38] There are, to date, no commercial power generation entities or businesses that have utilized this technology to full effect. The power levels achieved by Tesla coil receivers have, thus far, been a fraction of the output power of the transmitters.[citation needed]

The dangers of contact with high frequency electrical current are sometimes perceived as being less than at lower frequencies, because the subject usually doesn't feel pain or a 'shock'. This is often erroneously attributed to skin effect, a phenomenon that tends to inhibit alternating current from flowing inside conducting media. It was thought that in the body, Tesla currents travelled close to the skin surface, making them safer than lower frequency electric currents. In fact, in the early 1900s a major use of Tesla coils was to apply high frequency current directly to the body in electrotherapy.
Although skin effect limits Tesla currents to the outer fraction of an inch in metal conductors, the 'skin depth' of human flesh at typical Tesla coil frequencies is still of the order of 60 inches (150 cm) or more.[39][40][41][42][43] This means that high frequency currents will still preferentially flow through deeper, better conducting, portions of an experimenter's body such as the circulatory and nervous systems. The reason for the lack of pain is that a human being's nervous system does not sense the flow of potentially dangerous electrical currents above 15–20 kHz; essentially, in order for nerves to be activated, a significant number of ions must cross their membrane before the current (and hence voltage) reverses. Since the body no longer provides a warning 'shock', novices may touch the output streamers of small Tesla coils without feeling painful shocks. However, there is anecdotal evidence among Tesla coil experimenters that temporary tissue damage may still occur and be observed as muscle pain, joint pain, or tingling for hours or even days afterwards. This is believed to be caused by the damaging effects of internal current flow, and is especially common with continuous wave (CW), solid state or vacuum tube type Tesla coils. It is, however, of note that certain transformers can be used to provide alternating current with a frequency high enough so that the skin depth becomes small enough for the voltage to be safe. As this number is inversely proportional to the root of the frequency, this is fairly high; the number is in the megahertz.
Large Tesla coils and magnifiers can deliver dangerous levels of high frequency current, and they can also develop significantly higher voltages (often 250,000–500,000 volts, or more). Because of the higher voltages, large systems can deliver higher energy, potentially lethal, repetitive high voltage capacitor discharges from their top terminals. Doubling the output voltage quadruples the electrostatic energy stored in a given top terminal capacitance. If an unwary experimenter accidentally places himself in path of the high voltage capacitor discharge to ground, the low current electric shock can cause involuntary spasms of major muscle groups and may induce life-threatening ventricular fibrillation and cardiac arrest. Even lower power vacuum tube or solid state Tesla coils can deliver RF currents that are capable of causing temporary internal tissue, nerve, or joint damage through Joule heating. In addition, an RF arc can carbonize flesh, causing a painful and dangerous bone-deep RF burn that may take months to heal. Because of these risks, knowledgeable experimenters avoid contact with streamers from all but the smallest systems. Professionals usually use other means of protection such as a Faraday cage or a chain mail suit to prevent dangerous currents from entering their body.
The most serious dangers associated with Tesla coil operation are associated with the primary circuit. It is the primary circuit that is capable of delivering a sufficient current at a significant voltage to stop the heart of a careless experimenter. Because these components are not the source of the trademark visual or auditory coil effects, they may easily be overlooked as the chief source of hazard. Should a high frequency arc strike the exposed primary coil while, at the same time, another arc has also been allowed to strike to a person, the ionized gas of the two arcs forms a circuit that may conduct lethal, low-frequency current from the primary into the person.
Further, great care should be taken when working on the primary section of a coil even when it has been disconnected from its power source for some time. The tank capacitors can remain charged for days with enough energy to deliver a fatal shock. Proper designs should always include 'bleeder resistors' to bleed off stored charge from the capacitors. In addition, a safety shorting operation should be performed on each capacitor before any internal work is performed.[44]

Tesla's Colorado Springs laboratory possessed one of the largest Tesla coils ever built, known as the "Magnifying Transmitter". The Magnifying Transmitter is somewhat different from classic 2-coil Tesla coils. A Magnifier uses a 2-coil 'driver' to excite the base of a third coil ('resonator') that is located some distance from the driver. The operating principles of both systems are similar. The world's largest currently existing 2-coil Tesla coil is a 130,000-watt unit, part of a 38-foot-tall (12 m) sculpture. It is owned by Alan Gibbs and currently resides in a private sculpture park at Kakanui Point near Auckland, New Zealand.[47]
The Tesla coil is an early predecessor (along with the induction coil) of a more modern device called a flyback transformer, which provides the voltage needed to power the cathode ray tube used in some televisions and computer monitors. The disruptive discharge coil remains in common use as the ignition coil[48][49] or spark coil in the ignition system of an internal combustion engine. These two devices do not use resonance to accumulate energy, however, which is the distinguishing feature of a Tesla coil. They do use inductive "kick", the forced, abrupt decay of the magnetic field, such that a voltage is provided by the coil at its primary terminals that is much greater than the voltage that was applied to establish the magnetic field, and it is this higher voltage that is then multiplied by the transformer turns ratio. Thus, they do store energy, and a Tesla resonator stores energy. A modern, low power variant of the Tesla coil is also used to power plasma globe sculptures and similar devices.
Scientists working with a glass vacuum line (e.g. chemists working with volatile substances in the gas phase, inside a system of glass tubes, taps and bulbs) test for the presence of tiny pin-holes in the apparatus (especially a newly blown piece of glassware) using a Tesla coil. When the system is evacuated and the discharging end of the coil moved over the glass, the discharge travels through any pin-hole immediately below it and thus illuminates the hole, indicating points that need to be annealed or re-blown before they can be used in an experiment.

[edit] Popularity

Tesla coils are very popular devices among certain electrical engineers and electronics enthusiasts. Builders of Tesla coils as a hobby are called "coilers". A very large tesla coil, designed and built by Syd Klinge, is shown every year at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, in Coachella, Indio, California, USA. There are "coiling" conventions where people attend with their home-made Tesla coils and other electrical devices of interest.
Low power Tesla coils are also sometimes used as a high voltage source for Kirlian photography.[50]
Tesla coils can also be used to create music by modulating the system's effective "break rate" (i.e., the rate and duration of high power RF bursts) via MIDI data and a control unit. The actual MIDI data is interpreted by a microcontroller which converts the MIDI data into a PWM output which can be sent to the Tesla coil via a fiber optic interface.[51][52] The YouTube video Super Mario Brothers theme in stereo and harmony on two coils shows a performance on matching solid state coils operating at 41 kHz. The coils were built and operated by designer hobbyists Jeff Larson and Steve Ward. The device has been named the Zeusaphone, after Zeus, Greek god of lightning, and as a play on words referencing the Sousaphone.

[edit] In popular culture

Tesla coils are popular devices in films and videos games, such as Fallout 3 and many other computer games. It has played a role in novels and have even appeared on stage in opera:
  • The Jim Jarmusch film Coffee and Cigarettes (2003) featured a segment starring Jack and Meg White from the band The White Stripes entitled "Jack shows Meg his Tesla coil". In the segment, the pair are having a coffee. Jack explains the work of Nikola Tesla to Meg and demonstrates the coil he has by his side.
  • A Tesla coil was used to produce all of the V'Ger lightning effects for "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" (1979). Production was carried out at an airfield by teams of crew members working around the clock in order to make the very-cramped schedule; so much so that other members of the production crew (including Special Visual Effects director/supervisor Douglas Trumbull) were called in to staff it.
  • A Tesla disk was used to produce all of the 'headboards' in the Borg regeneration stations in the movie Star Trek: First Contact, as well as in all the Borg-related scenes of Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Voyager.
  • In the opera Tesla - Lightning in His Hand, a huge Tesla coil appears on stage, enclosed in a Faraday cage. As the character of Tesla walks towards the coil, the voltage that comes off the top of the coil with a huge cracking sound forms a corona that looks like a bolt of lightning and appears to illuminate the globe in Tesla's hand. The installation of the coil took two people seven days, and was managed by a retired head physicist of Australia's telecommunications company Telstra.
  • The performance group ArcAttack, the first group to utilize musical Tesla Coils as an instrument in their act,[53] originate from the USA and have been touring locally and internationally since March 2006. They have also appeared on NBC's America's Got Talent.[54]
  • The musical group, Man or Astro-man? uses a spark gap Tesla coil as a lighting effect during their performances.[55][56]
  • Command & Conquer Red Alert 1,2 and 3 feature an in-game defense system using tesla coils.
  • A Fallout 3 Broken Steel quest requires you to search an abandoned power plant for a pre-war Tesla coil.
  • In the movie The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010 film), Dave uses a Tesla coil to impress Becky and to defeat Maxim Horvath and Morgana le Fay.